Abbaa GADAA Michillee was known for his success in battle against Portuguese backed Abyssinian and Turkish backed forces.

His army consisted of three 


Forefront - infantry 

Horseman (Buutuu)

Reserve (Goojee)


In 1558, Michillee fought Hamelmal, under King Gelawdiwos, and his men at Dago.

Michillee defeated Hamelmal leading to the fall of Fategar..


Historians note he fought and won the battle at Mt Hazab

Charles Buckinham interpreted Abba Bahire’s writing on the aftermath,

“Ever since the Oromo appeared in our country, they were not slaughtered as they were slaughtered at that time.” 


This suggest rule under Oromo GADAA established peace over the lands.


After 8 year term, Michillee transferred power to the newly elect Abbaa GADAA.

GADAA Hambisaa

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