The killing of Oromo civilians have gone on for decades by successive Ethiopian Regimes. This was worsened by

  • Russian financial and military support of past Marxist regimes; The support included sending Russian and Cuban troops to Oromo and Ogaden Regions in 1978.
  • Western financial and military Aid to the Ethiopian military; British were also involved in training Ethiopian Liyu police, who were implicated in direct violence against civilians. 

Marginalization of these human rights crimes by the International community particularly the United Nations, amounts to complete disregard for humanity.

The United Nations and related bodies require a stern self reflection, and reform in order to restore confidence in the institutions that were designed to preserve humanity.


The video is in memory of Oromo civilians who were killed by the Ethiopian Regime, including Haacaaluu Hundessa.

Remember Oromo Civilians Killed by The Ethiopian Government

document released today describes killings, detentions and destruction in just five of  23 districts in one of Oromia Region’s 17 zones – over 127 civilians killed up to 3 April. The detailed report, compiled locally from eye-witness accounts in West Wallega, describes the targeted killing of Qeerroo members, youngsters elected to local offices after the reforms in 2018, following their propelling P.M. Abiy Ahmed to power.

Read OSG Press Release

Whether it is called genocide, ethnic cleansing, massacre or mass killings, the Oromo have suffered it all under successive Ethiopian rulers in the last two hundred years. This article provides a chronological sequence of the killings perpetrated against the Oromo nation from king Sahle Selassie (1813-1847)[1] of Shoa to the current Nafxanya[2] prime minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed. Sahle Selassie launched his punitive campaigns against the Tulama Oromo in the 1840s, looting their properties and, most of all, killing them in hundreds of thousands. Yet, he was unable to force them into submission because of the Tulama Oromo heroic resistance.

Whether it is called genocide, ethnic cleansing, massacre or mass killings, the Oromo have suffered it all under successive Ethiopian rulers in the last two hundred years. This article provides a chronological sequence of the killings perpetrated against the Oromo nation from king Sahle Selassie (1813-1847)[1] of Shoa to the current Nafxanya[2] prime minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed. Sahle Selassie launched his punitive campaigns against the Tulama Oromo in the 1840s, looting their properties and, most of all, killing them in hundreds of thousands. Yet, he was unable to force them into submission because of the Tulama Oromo heroic resistance.

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