Oromo GADAA: Makoo Bilii Laws

Oromo Democracy: GADAA
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Makoo Bilii Laws are well known among Oromo Maccaa.

Consisted of 65 provisions 

✅Historical records state Makoo Bilii Bisil was a leader of Oromo in 1580.

 ➡️Elders of Iluu-Galaan (near ODAA Bisil) stats Makoo Bilii laws were made by Bisil Osolee, grandfather of Makoo Bilii 

 ➡️Makoo Bilii role were documented as potentially being Abbaa Gadaa, Abbaa Seerra or Abbaa Duulaa

✅ Many historians agree on his that he was a great leader & law maker 

Much like Daawwee Gobboo (1706) Oromo Borana


65 provisions 

any person shall have honey as medicine at home

Masqalaa is celebrated annually, Buttaa qalluu ceremony is once every eight years

3 men travel far shall have Farso upon their return 

4 vast land belongs to the Oromo; each shall plough the land, rear cattle & build on it 

5 if an enemy invaded the homeland, each shall cooperate and defend the land

6 Their are other people that look like us residing on the lands; treat them as your own unless they wage war on Oromo

 along a journey, elders perform hirreeffannaa and cross the river first 

8 SAFUU for Coorraa - younger respects older, son respects the father, daughters respects the mother

advancing to the front requires spears, knives and gasoo to be sharp enough 

10 Those who cut down trees first shall get the land before others 

11 Safety Laws - during cutting down of trees in a forest, take precautions to avoid injury of self or others around you 

 12 community that has “hora” shall have elders slaughter the bull (Kormaa) and use the blood for dhibaafanna. Hora will belong to the community 

13 The five leaders (Shanee) consult one another and take cattle for “horaa” to build a house for the poor, particularly women. Shanee consult one another on defense of the people from enemy aggression 

14 General Health Policy - a person who is infected with a communicable disease is treated in an isolated location until recovery.

15 Homes shall be built on higher ground through erecting posts (kellaa) fro national security 

In the event, home owner can not defend their home, they can light the house to signal others of an  enemy presence.

Marriage Laws

16 adult male and female shall marry at the right age

17 The best man, Miinjee, second best man (waa’ila) shall contribute to making the marriage a success. When the son or daughter marry, mother and father shall bless the child upon the marriage.

18 Relatives shall count 7 generations back before considering dating and marriage.

19 People who marry or have relationships and are found to have lineage within 7 generations have to face justice under a court of elders under ODAA.

➡️Elders will determine the law to apply.

Seerraa Dhowwaa

Or Gumaa

20 Meeting under ODAA are held in the morning unless it is urgent.

Crime and Safety Laws

21.1 Property lines between farmers shall be respected. If a person takes land,they shall restore or pay punitive damages.

21.2 Safety: home owners must seal up holes around the house to prevent accident fall and or death of a person or their cattle.

22 Safety: Artisans (tool manufacturers) shall burn left over and unnecessary materials 80 meters away from homes to avoid preventable injury and or death.

23 In order to avoid hyena attacks on livestock, leatherwork of hides shall occur deep in the forest away from homes and cattle.

24 Pandemic Mitigation: A person who has contracted typhoid is treated in isolation away from others to prevent spreading of a pandemic. Treatment is until recovery.

25 There is no penalty if a cow crosses into others property while running towards it’s calf or bull chasing a cow.

Oromo Leadership / Cabinets 

26 The Salgee (cabinet) shall develop individuals to become leaders. The leaders (Mootii) are for all five Oromo Regions. Individuals can play leadership roles increasing the Oromo wealth of a specific commodity, Cotton, Gold and building the Presidential house (Mootii qoloo, warqee, masaraa).

27 The Salgee shall notify the Oromo nations under ODAA through an appointment ceremony 

During the appointment, the Mootii leaders will commit to supporting and protecting the Oromo nation. 

28 The ceremony shall include the blessing of Mootii (leaders) by Abbaa Bokkuu through sprinkling of Dadhii and Anaan. The Mootii leaders will have Cotton and Gold articles.  

29 The ceremony shall include food and drinking with a Presidential house built for the Mootii.

 “Harroojjiin ceekaa addressee

Koottu Masaraan sitti ijaaraa

Kan Mootii Leeqaa fakkessee”

30 The Mootii will have guards stationed in the Presidential house. These guards will be brave and defend the Mootii.  

31 The Abbaa Bokkuu shall prepare the hayyuu through the Salgee in an organized manner. Any disputes shall be handled by the hayyuu for resolution.

32 Appeal Process: A person convicted of a crime can state “I raised up the Bokkuu. Doing so is the initiation of an appeal. The matter is taken to the hayyuu of the highest office. The person must cover their spear and turn it down. 

33 Appeal Process: A person appealing will be given a place to stay the night once their spear is turned down.

34 Murder Charges: A civilian whom has knowingly killed (murder) another civilian shall be brought before the law. If convicted, they can face capital punishment. An exception is if the victims family is willing to reconcile without capital punishment.  

35 Judgement for Murder Charges: A person whom has knowingly killed another person (murder) shall give eighty cows for the victims parents as blood payment (gumaa). Reconciliation process is between the victim,  convicted individual and Waqaa (GOD). Abbaa Bokkuu and Salgee are mediators. Once resolved, the issue cannot be brought back (no double jeopardy).

36 Treason Charges: Treason is one of the highest crimes. In order to protect National Security, the leaders, Abbaa Bokkuu and Salgee discuss policies to protect the nation. Disclosing informaiton to the enemy is treason and can result in capital punishment.

37 Murder Charges: A person who has killed a refugee will face justice for murder charges in an Oromo Court. Consequences can include capital punishment.

38 Robbery Charges: A person stealing from homes will face justice for robbery charges in an Oromo Court. Consequences can include capital punishment.

39 Assault Charges: A person who assaults another resulting in blindness in one eye shall pay a penalty of 40 cows to the victim.

40 Assault Charges: A person who assaults another resulting in a broken tooth shall pay a penalty of 10 cows to the victim.

41 Rape Charges: A person who commits rape shall face an Oromo court. Shanee will hear the case and pass judgement for the crime.

42 Covet Neighbor’s House: A  person who stays in another man’s house while his wife is in the house shall pay 2 cows. The person may also face a moral punishment.

43 Covet Neighbors Wife: A  person who is caught with the wife of another man shall pay 2 cows. The person may also face a moral punishment.

44 Property Damage: A  person who has broken the chair of another man must pay a penalty (cow payment).

45 Property Damage: A  person who has broken the instrument of smoking of another person shall pay them one young female calf.

46 Pets and Livestock: A  person who kills the cat and dog of a neighbor shall raise a cat and dog and provide for the neighbor to prevent future conflicts between neighbors. 

47 Pets and Livestock: A  person who kills the Ox of a neighbor shall pay through cattle with similar value to prevent future conflicts.

48 Inheritance The eldest son inherits the property of his father. The rule is to prevent inheritance from moving between households. Daughters join another family, and share ownership of that new family's holdings.  

49 Inheritance Relatives of a man,who has no children and has prematurely passed can adopt a boy into the family to pass the inheritance to.The Oromo state does not take inheritance of families.

Way of Life

50 Free trade (commerce) is encouraged throughout the land. People can settle on land and create a homestead. Refugees are protected under the same laws..

51 Security of the market must be ensured. 

52 All able individuals shall attend Gumii (Assembly) unless the man’s wife is giving birth, or during war.

53 Lubaa and Raabaa shall initiate conflict resolution mechanisms for future requirements even if their period of authority is nearing end. A wise Raabaa is better than a dormant Lubaa.

54 When a border dispute emerges between Gosa, one shall demarcate the border together with seven grown siblings. 

“Sagleen salgan qoomo haa argaman” - Representatives of the nine Oromo Gosa shall be present.

55 When one Gosa seeks asylum, the hosting Gosa shall provide shelter. Asylum is provided based on the validity of the person seeking asylum.

56 During the Assembly, it is the Raabaa class that can advise and criticise those in dispute.

57 Civil Law: Carpenters and Tradesman (blacksmiths, craftsmen, potters etc..) who are not part of the Gosa are allowed to have some rights as members of the society (Citizen Green Card holders), and are encouraged to associate with the members of the Gosa.

58 Naturalization Process: A Tradesman that shows courage during a time of war shall have rights granted to the members of the Gosa after review process.

59 Naturalization Process:Elders of the Tradesman in collaboration with Saglee organize a ceremony to bring the courageous Tradesman into the Gosa.

60 Naturalization Process:The courageous Tradesman will go through a review process by the Lubaa. They will be required to be free of any crimes for a probation period of 2 years.

61 Citizenship Process:After successfully passing the probation period, the courageous Tradesman will have a naturalization ceremony to become a citizen of the Gosa

62 National Defense: The leader (Mootii) shall conscript soldiers to protect the Presidential house and the borders of the territory from external aggression.

63 The Gosa shall protect the craftsmen who make the equipment for war and the materials for the horses from external threats. 

64 Labor Laws: The Gosa shall protect the Artisans who produce axes, knives and other materials from internal factors (mistreatment, overworked).   

65 The Buqqee shall not be planted near a home because the tree may grow alongside the house and result in decay


Source: Bokku, Dirribu Demissie. Oromo Wisdom in Black Civilization. April 2011, Finfinnee Printing & Publishing, Oromia

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